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Statements of Income (Fiscal Year)

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Millions of yen

FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 FY2024
Net sales 545,060 552,085 588,132 609,473 653,919
Cost of sales 361,077 361,809 388,842 404,980 443,072
Gross profit 183,982 190,276 199,289 204,492 210,847
Selling, general and administrative expenses 152,665 150,576 149,341 151,997 157,723
Operating income 31,317 39,699 49,947 52,495 53,123
Non-operating income
Interest income 243 274 299 383 374
Dividend income 155 283 209 237 402
Insurance income 452 506 459 457 455
Foreign exchange gains - - 29 - 200
Gain on investments in partnership 231 278 - - 105
Subsidies for employment adjustment 2,744 - - - -
Other, net 279 220 227 213 229
Total non-operating income 4,106 1,562 1,225 1,291 1,768
Non-operating expenses
Interest expense 12 12 12 11 75
Investment partnership management expenses - - - - 188
Commission for purchase of treasury stock - - - - 53
Loss on investments in partnership - - 29 31 -
Foreign exchange losses 5 6 - 6 -
Other, net 169 146 139 152 179
Total non-operating expenses 187 165 180 201 497
Ordinary income 35,236 41,096 50,991 53,585 54,393
Extraordinary income
Gain on sales of long-lived assets 283 6 3 3 2
Gain on sales of shares of subsidiaries and associates - 895 - - 2,876
Gain on sales of investments in securities 278 1,255 729 113 22
Insurance income due to disaster - 202 - - -
Other, net 20 16 0 - 9
Total extraordinary income 581 2,376 733 117 2,910
Extraordinary losses
Loss on sales and disposal of long-lived asset 1,021 124 124 479 156
Loss on sales of shares of subsidiaries and associates 737 40 - 159 -
Loss on sales of investments in securities - - 18 2 -
Loss on impairment of investments in securities 316 18 57 - -
Loss on disaster - 168 - - -
Loss on COVID-19 274 - - - -
Other, net 4 26 1 3 0
Total extraordinary losses 2,355 377 202 645 156
Net income before income taxes 33,463 43,094 51,523 53,057 57,148
Income taxes-current 12,525 12,971 14,244 15,493 17,452
Income taxes-deferred (1,133) 627 1,652 980 292
Total income taxes 11,392 13,598 15,896 16,473 17,744
Net income 22,071 29,495 35,626 36,583 39,403
Net income attributable to non-controlling interests 73 75 74 90 88
Net income attributable to owners of the parent 21,997 29,420 35,552 36,493 39,315
Net Sales
Operating Income Operating Income Ratio
  • *
    Information in the above tables is based on data from summary reports of consolidated financial results.