Message from Top Management
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Based on Kyosei, the Canon Group’s corporate philosophy, we have established our 2025 Vision, "Professional corporate group that solves social and customer issues using ICT and the power of humans," under which we address social issues through business by combining the Canon product business and the IT solutions business.
The social issues that we face, such as climate change and the decline of the birth rate and aging of the population, are now becoming increasingly complicated and serious. To establish a sustainable society in these circumstances, we must examine future issues and continue to create new value that is not bound by conventional frameworks.
At the Canon Marketing Japan Group, we have declared that we are a MIRAI Marketing Company with a view toward continuing to solve an extensive range of future social issues using the power of marketing.
We have also established our Purpose, aiming to advance co-creation and collaboration with our stakeholders and accelerate solutions to social issues, with all Group employees unifying the aspirations.
"Bringing together hopes and ideas with technologies to create a future beyond imagining"
This Purpose reflects our resolve to continue to work to create a future filled with hope and joy by bringing together our and our customers' hopes and ideas leveraging the strengths that we have cultivated and the technologies of our diverse partners to innovate.
This year, we have launched an organization dedicated to R&B (Research & Business Development) for creating new businesses which is accelerating initiatives to achieve the Purpose.
We will continue to create new value by looking ahead to the future and create a future beyond imagining, with the enterprising nature that is in the corporate DNA of the Canon Group.