Labor Practices
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Employees of the Canon Marketing Japan Group work daily in accordance with the five guiding principles in the Canon Code of Conduct, so that each one of them will find their job rewarding and live with good health and wealth.
Canon Code of Conduct
Since its founding, Canon has maintained a management philosophy of having employees enjoy rich, happy lives. This founding philosophy continues today as five guiding principles in the Canon Code of Conduct -- the San-ji (Three Selfs) Spirit, Meritocracy, Internationalism, Familism, and Health First -- which are based on our commitment to respecting humanity. Thus, we are endeavoring to develop a corporate climate in which all of our employees enjoy working and are proud of their job.
Code of Conduct
The San-ji (Three Selfs) Spirit
Adhere to the principles of selfmotivation, self-management and self-awareness in day-to-day activities
Make vitality (V), specialty (S), originality (O), and personality (P) daily pursuits
Strive to become a culturally sensitive, internationally minded, sincere, and active person
Strengthen the trust and understanding of others and work together in a spirit of harmony
Health First
Live by the motto "healthy and happy" and work to cultivate character
Wage System and Assessment System
At the Canon MJ Group, we have introduced a position-based pay system, under which the amount of compensation is determined based on job duties and performance. Remuneration is determined in accordance with the level of position in the company, which is based on the degree of difficulty of each employee's job, regardless of age or gender. We have also adopted a system under which bonuses reflect individual achievements and the company's business performance.
Under our assessment system, which supports the wage system on the operation side, we disclose the distribution of assessment to employees. We thus clarify the final assessment, so as to improve the system's transparency and the motivation of each employee.
A superior interviews each subordinate twice a year. In the interview, they discuss their goals, progress, challenges, and career plans. We also encourage daily communication among them, thus improving the level of satisfaction of employees.
Commendation System
The Canon Marketing Japan Group Excellent Award
We praise the achievements of teams and individuals in the Group who have contributed to a remarkable performance in a wide range of areas, aiming to improve employees' motivation and increase their sense of unity.
Invention Award and Activity Award
The Invention Award is granted to inventors who have contributed to the company's business performance. The Activity Award is given to employees who have contributed to the company's activities related to intellectual property rights. Thus, this award program on intellectual property is aimed at facilitating smooth inventions and design creation, increasing employees' creative desires, and contributing to the development of the company's business.
Major Leave Programs
Annual Paid Leave as a Reward for Services | A total of 20 days are granted each year. Unused paid leave days may be carried over to the next year. |
Accumulated Illness and Injury Leave | Employees can take a leave of absence when they are sick or injured and when they need to provide nursing care to dependents or family members living with them. Employees can accumulate up to 35 days of Annual Paid Leave as a Reward for Services to be used as illness and injury leave. |
Hourly Leave | We have introduced an hourly leave system, which permits employees to take leave in increments of 30 minutes. Allowing employees to take the leave for childcare, sickness, injuries, and other reasons, this program promotes flexible workstyles. |
Open Vacation Program (Free Vacance Program) | We have introduced an open vacation program, which permits employees to take five consecutive days of vacation once a year. We encourage them to take vacation in a well-planned manner. |
Refreshment Leave | In this program, we commend employees for every five years of service and grant them five to 16 consecutive days of vacation (including Saturdays and Sundays) according to their years of service, along with a monetary gift. |
Prenatal and Postnatal Leave | Prenatal leave of six weeks before the due date of childbirth and eight weeks of postnatal leave are available. |
Maternity Leave and Shorter Working Hours | These programs permit absence from work or shorter working hours from the time when the eligible employee confirms a pregnancy to the day before the start of prenatal leave. |
Childcare Leave | Childcare leave can be taken until the day before the third birthday of the child. |
Shorter Working Hours for Childcare | This program permits the eligible employee to work shorter hours until the child finishes their third year at elementary school. |
Nursing Care Leave | Employees can take a leave of absence for up to one year starting from the first day of leave per one family member to provide nursing care. |
Shorter Working Hours for Nursing Care | Employees are allowed to work shorter hours to provide nursing care to their family members. |
Volunteer Leave | Employees who participate in international contribution activities, such as those by Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers, may use this program with the permission of the company. |
Approach to Diversity
Based on Kyosei, the Canon Group’s corporate philosophy, the Canon MJ Group aims to realize a society in which all people, regardless of culture, customs, language, or ethnicity, can live and work together in happiness. Through our corporate activities rooted in Kyosei, we will continue to embrace diversity as we aim to become a company where diverse human resources with different personalities and values can flourish and continue to grow by motivating each other.
Supporting Women's Advancement

In the Canon MJ Group, Canon MJ, Canon BizAttenda Inc., Canon Customer Support Inc., Canon IT Solutions Inc., Qualysite Technologies Inc., TCS Inc., Canon System & Support Inc. and Canon Production Printing Systems Inc. formulated action plans based on their specific challenges to foster the participation of women in workplaces and appoint and recruit female managers.
Canon MJ received a Two Star rating under the Eruboshi certification system in February 2022. In 2023, we launched the Empowerment Program, a training program for female chiefs (deputy managers) under which various career development programs are offered to applicants. Our action plan sets out our aim to have women account for at least 6.0% of managerial positions and at least 20.0% of chiefs and deputy managers, who are candidates for managerial positions, by 2025. For other details, please check the webpage of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare of Japan showing the “Database of Companies Promoting Women’s Participation and Advancement in the Workplace.” (only in Japanese)
The Wage Difference between Canon MJ's Male and Female Employees
Wages of Canon MJ's female employees as a percentage of male of employees | |
All employees | 80.8% |
Of whom, permanent employees | 76.5% |
Of whom,contract employees | 122.9% |
From January 1 to December 31, 2023
The gender wage gap among regular employees is due to a higher percentage men being managers than women. Canon MJ defines women's advancement as one of its key issues. We are working to increase the percentage of people in managerial posts that are women to 6.0% and the percentage of people in chief or assistant manager positions, which are positions held by prospective managers, who are women to at least 20% by 2025 as mentioned above.
Meanwhile, examining fixed-term employees, women in advanced professional positions push up the average wage per person. Their average wage is far higher than that of men.
The following shows the gender wage gap for regular employees at the same level.
- General manager level
- 99.6%
- Manager level
- 96.6%
- Assistant manager level
- 94.3%
Employing People with Disabilities

The Canon MJ Group is committed to employing people with disabilities, and accordingly endeavors to create a barrier-free work environment.
As of June 2023, the percentage of employees with disabilities* at Canon MJ was 2.36%. At the group, the percentage was 2.26%.
The Group will continue pushing ahead with new graduate and midcareer hiring of individuals with disabilities.
The number of employees with disabilities and the percentage of such employees were calculated based on the prescribed working hours, disability levels, and other elements in accordance with the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare standards.
Balancing Professional and Private Commitments

At Canon MJ, we are working to develop a corporate climate which permits diverse human resources with various characteristics and values to actively participate and achieve personal growth in a mutually supportive environment. Thus, we endeavor to "become a corporate group where employees work more energetically." In April 2021, we have acquired Platinum Kurumin Certification* for excellence in offering childcare support.
Platinum Kurumin Certification is a special certification granted to companies that have acquired the Kurumin Certification and met even higher standards for childcare support.
Work Practice Reforms
We have been implementing workstyle reforms as an initiative to "Become a corporate group where employees work more energetically." This year, we launched the Work Practice Reform Promotion Project, under which we encourage productive workstyles all over the Group, aiming to establish a workstyle of completing tasks during regular working hours.
We also take measures to control COVID-19 infections, such as introducing staggered working hours and having more employees work from home.
- Raise awareness by implementing no-overtime work days and sharing results on our information site
- Diversify work practices by using satellite offices and telework and staggering work hours
- Enhance work efficiency by encouraging the use of IT tools and robotic process automation (RPA)*
RPA is an abbreviation of Robotic Process Automation, which is a process in which software robots complete tasks using applications on PCs.
Overall Image of Work Practice Reforms
We are promoting workstyle reform through three task forces: Workplace, Workstyle, and Work Processes.
Our diverse range of workplaces and workstyles in which employees can independently choose when and where they work, such as telework and staggered working hours, contribute to the achievement of job satisfaction and productivity improvement.
We also aim to increase the added value of employees’day-to-day work through the visualization of work process productivity.

Examples of Various Measures for Workplaces, Workstyles, and Work Processes
The Canon MJ office offers many meeting spaces as places for co-creation, while our satellite offices provides a wide variety of work environments suitable for intensive work. In order to realize location-independence, we are abolishing fixed-line telephones and expanding online meeting tools.
The hybrid workstyle of combining in-office work and telework has led to enhanced business continuity and the reduction of travel time and costs, among other benefits.
In order to revitalize communication in hybrid work, we are promoting the use of internal social networking sites (SNS) where all Group employees can participate to share knowhow and recent topics, location monitoring tools that show who is where, and one-on-one communication between supervisors and their subordinates.

Efforts to Improve Engagement
Visualization of Engagement Scores
We have been carrying out an annual engagement survey of Group employees to evaluate the progress we are making toward employee job satisfaction since 2021. The survey is conducted in a four-choice format, with points assigned to each answer for a total possible score of 1000. Our goal is to have all 20 key questions answered with affirmative responses (667 points or more). In fiscal 2023, the score increased for the second consecutive year, with 15 of the 20 questions answered with affirmative responses (compared to 12 in fiscal 2022). We will continue to carry out this survey, analyze employee responses, identify issues and implement countermeasures, and aim for further improvement.

Labor/Management Relations
At Group companies with labor unions, changes in labor conditions such as wages, working hours and health and safety conditions are subject to prior consultation.
At Canon MJ, the Central Labor/Management Conference is held every month, enabling labor union leaders and management executives to exchange opinions and information broadly, not merely on labor conditions and other matters subject to consultation but also on management issues and others. In individual regions, labor/management conferences and labor/management meetings take place, both of which involve regional managers and labor unions. According to the arrangement with the labor union, an unofficial notice of a personnel transfer is to be given in principle not later than one week before the date of the transfer. (Canon MJ's non-consolidated percentage of union members: 70.1%)
Compliance Relating to Labor
Number of cases where working hours exceeded the upper limit set in the special provision of the agreement on off-hours work and work on days off pursuant to Article 36 of the Labor Standards Act: Zero in 2023
Number of violations of the internal rules on labor management without taking predetermined procedures: 4* in 2023
After these incidents occurred, Canon MJ swiftly implemented recurrence prevention measures within the organization, including the revision of the work plan and labor management operations, and it explained the matter to the labor union which a majority of its employees are affiliated with.