Message from the Officer in charge of Sustainability Management
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Promoting Sustainability Management by Expanding the Range and Scope of the Social Issues We Can Solve
Vice-Chair of Sustainability
Promotion Committee

Based on Kyosei, the Canon Group’s corporate philosophy, the Canon MJ Group has been working to solve social issues through its business activities in harmony with people, society, and nature since 1988.
With social issues becoming increasingly complicated and serious, in January 2024, we declared ourselves a MIRAI Marketing Company with a view toward continuing to solve an extensive range of future social issues with the power of marketing together with various stakeholders to realize a sustainable society. This expression has been adopted as a symbol of the Group. In addition, we also established the Canon MJ Group’s Purpose, Bringing together hopes and ideas with technologies to create a future beyond imagining, in January 2024. In an era marked by accelerating change and growing uncertainty, the Group will look to the future constantly as a MIRAI Marketing Company and clarify the significance of our presence in society to increase collaborative creation and cooperation with stakeholders, as well as unite the aspirations of Group employees and speed up solutions to social issues. Under our newly established Purpose, we will promote sustainability management from a long-term perspective by looking to future issues and boldly taking on the challenge of creating new value that is free from conventional frameworks.