Initiatives to Realization of Carbon Neutrality
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Initiatives at Business Locations
Achieving 100% Use of Renewable Energy at Five Group Business Sites
We achieved 100% use of renewable energy at five of our business sites, including the Group headquarters (CANON S TOWER) and Canon MJ's office buildings (Konan, Makuhari, Aomori, and Kumamoto offices), by acquiring the FIT Non-Fossil Certificate With Tracking* for approximately nine months of electricity used over the period from April 2022 to December 2022.
A certificate that separates and certifies the non-fossil value of electricity generated from non-fossil power sources, such as solar, wind, and biomass, with tracking information on the type of power source and the location of power plants.
Initiatives for Office Equipment and Facilities
At the Canon Marketing Japan Group (hereafter, the "Canon MJ Group"), we reduce our environmental impact by replacing multifunction printers (MFPs), lights, and other equipment used at each company with energy-efficient alternatives and by taking power-saving measures for lights and air conditioners.

- Replacing MFPs with energy-efficient alternatives and locating them optimally
- Taking power-saving measures for lights and air conditioners
- Introducing energy-efficient equipment such as LED lights
Improvement of Work Process and Workstyle
At the Canon MJ Group, we reduce our environmental impact by improving our work process and workstyle, such as car-sharing sales and service vehicles and no overtime work days.

- Introduction of a car-sharing system
- Ensuring eco-friendly driving
- Promotion of teleworking
- Thorough implementation of no-overtime work days
Global Warming Action Plan
At Canon MJ, we have created Global Warming Action Plan and submitted them to the Tokyo Metropolitan Government under its Obligation to Reduce the Total Amount of Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Emissions Trading System. We disclose the following plans for the Canon MJ headquarters (CANON S TOWER), which is covered by the system.
Following plans are available only in Japanese.
Initiatives with Products
Canon IT Solutionsʼ Nishi-Tokyo Data Center Building No. 2 Certified as an Outstanding Specified Anti-Global Warming Facility
In March 2023, Nishi-Tokyo Data Center Building No. 2, owned and operated by Canon IT Solutions Inc., was recognized by the Tokyo Metropolitan Governmentʼs Bureau of Environment as an Outstanding Specified Anti-Global Warming Facility (near-top-level business facility). As a result, along with the No. 1 building, which received the same designation in 2020, the both buildings of the NishiTokyo Data Center have been recognized as business sites that have an outstanding system in place for promoting measures against global warming. On the strength of its high-performance facilities and excellent operational quality, which have been refined through the operation of the No. 1 building, the Nishi-Tokyo Data Center has made contributions to reductions in our customersʼ CO2 emissions.
Qualysite Technologies Started Operations Using 100% Renewable Energy
In June 2023, Qualysite Technologies Inc., which operates the Nago Data Center, introduced a third-party photovoltaic ownership model (on-site PPA) KarE-roof* provided by Okinawa New Energy Development Company, Incorporated, a member of the Okinawa Electric Power Company Group, and started using electricity with an installed photovoltaic power generation capacity of 80 kW. By using non-fossil certificates with tracking to cover the shortfall in renewable energy, it was able to operate using 100% renewable energy.
KarE-roof is a service in which photovoltaic power generation facilities and storage batteries are installed with no initial investment, and the generated electricity is sold to the installer. Okinawa New Energy Development provides one-stop support from exploring options, installation, maintenance, and removal.
Carbon Offset for Office MFPs
At the Canon MJ Group, we support overall CO2 reduction activities in society to help prevent climate change. For this purpose, we have introduced a system, under which we implement carbon offset*1 for lifecycle CO2 emissions from office MFPs and some production printers.

Carbon offset is an initiative to compensate for (offset) greenhouse gas emissions that cannot be removed by one's own reduction efforts, by reducing or absorbing emissions made at other places.
Reducing Environmental Impact through Joint Delivery with Another Company
At Canon Marketing Japan, we implement joint delivery with Epson Sales Japan Corporation. We have the cargoes of the two companies delivered together by Nippon Express, aiming for a higher loading ratio and the use of fewer delivery vehicles, things that were difficult to achieve when our cargoes were delivered alone.
At present, we are driving the use of the Joint Delivery Center in addition to the initiatives we have been taking since the start of joint delivery, that is, the use of chartered vehicles for joint deliveries to the same destinations and area-specific joint deliveries, or joint route deliveries of small lots for specific urban areas.
Joint delivery initiatives are aimed at reducing CO2 emissions from our logistics operations and contributing to preventing climate change.