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Balance Sheets

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Millions of yen

FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 FY2024
Current assets
Cash and deposits 59,631 67,528 84,132 88,190 109,226
Notes and accounts receivable-trade 105,328 107,367 - - -
Notes, accounts receivable-trade and contract assets - - 110,431 111,649 119,016
Certificates of deposit due within three months 500 500 500 1,500 1,500
Merchandise and service parts 27,091 34,578 37,897 39,149 41,423
Work in process 103 145 99 196 444
Supplies 631 511 523 479 459
Short-term loans receivable 180,006 180,004 180,012 170,005 50,010
Other current assets 7,122 5,469 6,153 7,482 10,132
Allowance for doubtful receivables (66) (24) (43) (42) (28)
Total current assets 380,349 396,082 419,708 418,611 332,185
Non-current assets
Property, plant and equipment
Buildings and structures, net 43,402 45,916 48,384 47,714 45,801
Machinery and vehicles, net 87 77 68 60 58
Furniture and fixtures, net 3,004 2,760 2,670 3,029 4,411
Rental assets, net 7,281 5,639 4,890 5,585 6,980
Land 28,359 28,359 28,359 28,359 28,359
Leased assets, net 16 7 5 3 1
Construction in progress 1,577 2,392 897 271 2,488
Total property, plant and equipment 83,729 85,154 85,276 85,024 88,101
Intangible assets
Software 5,373 6,226 5,364 5,600 7,709
Goodwill - - 327 4,868 22,637
Lease assets 1 - - - -
Customer-related intangible assets - - - 3,408 18,384
Facility utilization rights 294 303 302 302 300
Other intangible assets 0 0 0 1 1
Total intangible assets 5,669 6,530 5,995 14,181 49,033
Investments and other assets
Investments in securities 11,302 17,353 13,312 16,314 17,771
Long-term loans receivable 35 35 15 10 -
Prepaid pension and severance costs 415 421 392 10,987 29,842
Deferred tax assets 19,219 14,974 12,904 5,916 478
Lease deposits 3,427 2,961 2,767 2,559 3,003
Other investments and other assets 2,659 2,999 3,555 3,962 4,374
Allowance for doubtful receivables (205) (95) (187) (201) (199)
Total investments and other assets 36,855 38,651 32,760 39,548 55,271
Total non-current assets 126,255 130,336 124,032 138,755 192,406
Total assets 506,604 526,418 543,740 557,366 524,591
Current liabilities
Notes and accounts payable-trade 44,107 46,323 47,376 45,552 50,124
Short-term bank loans - - - - 1,100
Current portion of long-term loans - - - - 209
Current portion of long-term lease obligations 54 52 45 99 160
Accrued expenses 16,166 16,127 16,627 16,585 17,029
Accrued income taxes 7,004 6,954 7,453 8,233 12,126
Consumption taxes payable 5,547 6,089 5,426 6,712 6,914
Accrued bonuses 5,664 4,148 3,439 3,222 3,816
Accrued directors' bonuses 75 98 118 107 128
Accrued product warranties 453 291 243 269 224
Accrued loss on contracts 8 308 114 51 64
Other current liabilities 29,356 26,715 27,216 29,755 31,640
Total current liabilities 108,440 107,109 108,062 110,590 123,539
Long-term liabilities
Long-term loans - - - - 1,699
Long-term lease obligations 74 81 73 206 335
Allowance for long-term continuous service rewards 951 899 749 723 796
Accrued pension and severance costs 47,883 40,913 32,141 7,760 7,409
Deferred tax liabilities 1 - - 178 4,699
Other long-term liabilities 3,139 2,738 2,340 2,397 2,410
Total long-term liabilities 52,049 44,632 35,305 11,266 17,350
Total liabilities 160,490 151,741 143,368 121,856 140,889
Shareholders' equity
Common stock 73,303 73,303 73,303 73,303 73,303
Capital surplus 82,814 82,824 82,827 82,727 82,710
Retained earnings 188,481 208,824 233,354 256,880 200,928
Treasury stock (2,103) (2,092) (2,092) (2,092) (9,303)
Total shareholders' equity 342,495 362,859 387,392 410,817 347,637
Accumulated other comprehensive income (loss)
Unrealized gain (loss) on available-for-sale securities 4,230 7,873 5,202 6,860 6,954
Deferred gain (loss) on derivatives under hedge accounting (29) 22 (14) 87 86
Foreign currency translation adjustments 5 125 293 345 508
Defined retirement benefit plans (1,243) 3,067 6,667 16,610 27,578
Total accumulated other comprehensive income (loss) 2,962 11,089 12,149 23,903 35,128
Stock acquisition rights - - 29 58 86
Non-controlling interests 655 727 801 729 849
Total equity 346,114 374,676 400,372 435,509 383,701
Total liabilities and equity 506,604 526,418 543,740 557,366 524,591
  • *
    Information in the above tables is based on data from summary reports of consolidated financial results.