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Respect for Human Rights

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The Canon Marketing Japan Group (here in after "the Canon MJ Group") respects the human rights of all stakeholders connected to its business activities including employees and business partners.

Basic Stance

Based on the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the Canon MJ Group is developing initiatives to promote respect for the human rights of its customers, employees, business partners, and all other stakeholders involved in the Group’s business activities. We promote respect for human rights by taking measures in accordance with the Canon Group Human Rights Policy, which was formulated in 2021. We are carrying out activities based on this policy, which clearly states that we conduct human rights due diligence, operate a grievance mechanism, conduct awareness training, and engage in dialogue with stakeholders in order to ensure respect for internationally recognized human rights, including the prohibition of child and forced labor, the prevention of unreasonable restrictions on movement and excessive overtime work, and respect for freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining.

Human Rights Policy

The policy clearly states that we conduct human rights due diligence, operate a grievance mechanism, conduct awareness training, and engage in dialogue with stakeholders in order to ensure respect for internationally recognized human rights, including the prohibition of
child and forced labor, the prevention of unreasonable restrictions on movement and excessive overtime work, and respect for freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining.
The Canon MJ Group works to increase its employees' awareness of human rights in accordance with this policy.

Canon Group Human Rights Policy

Since Canon's founding in 1937, all employees have been treated the same on a fair and equal basis, without any discrimination due to gender, age or occupation. This stance was based on a complete respect for humanity.

Following half a century of operations, we adopted our corporate philosophy of kyosei in 1988. Kyosei is the aspiration to create a society in which all people, regardless of race, religion or culture, live and work together for the common good. It sets the goal of human happiness and prosperity above the profits earned by any single company or nation. Kyosei expresses our commitment to and global aspiration for a respect for humanity and makes clear the company's firm stance to working together with stakeholders around the world to achieve this.

This policy expresses Canon Group's commitment to respecting human rights and to taking measures to protect human rights under the corporate philosophy stated above, which we embed into our operational policies and procedures. We promote human rights initiatives based on this policy under the responsibility of the executive in charge of human rights.

1. Respect for Human Rights
Canon commits to respect internationally recognized human rights across its business activities, as set out in the International Bill of Human Rights, International Labor Organization (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, and Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises on Responsible Business Conduct. Specifically, Canon commits to respect fundamental human rights, prohibit discrimination, harassment or violence based on such factors as race, nationality, gender, religion and creed, promote diversity, prohibit child labor and forced labor (including human trafficking), prohibit unreasonable restriction on movement, respect freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining in accordance with the laws and regulations of each country and region, pay employees wages equal to or greater than legally mandated wages, prevent excessive overtime work and grant appropriate holidays, ensure occupational health and safety, prevent occupational injuries, protect privacy, and promote responsible minerals sourcing.

2. Human Rights Due Diligence
In accordance with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, Canon conducts human rights due diligence to identify any adverse impact its business activities have on human rights, and to prevent or mitigate any adverse impact. In consideration of the findings of its human rights due diligence, Canon will review and update this policy, where necessary.

3. Grievance Mechanism
Canon establishes and operates an effective internal and external reporting system to understand any adverse impact its business activities may have on human rights. When Canon identifies that its business activities have negatively impacted human rights or contributed to a situation negatively impacting human rights, Canon will take appropriate steps to remedy the situation.

4. Awareness Training
Canon conducts human rights awareness training on a continuous basis to enable its executives and employees to deepen their understanding of international initiatives relating to human rights and this policy, and to respond appropriately to human rights issues.

5. Dialogue with Stakeholders
Canon communicates its human rights approach, as stated in this policy, to stakeholders through our website and other communication channels. In a series of initiatives under this policy, Canon learns from the human rights expertise of external experts and engages in dialogue with stakeholders such as employees and suppliers who are or could potentially be affected by our business activities in relation to human rights.

Canon seeks to contribute to our stakeholders' understanding of the international circumstances surrounding human rights. By cooperating with surveys and audits conducted by Canon, as well as with our responses to the risks uncovered through our initiatives, we encourage our stakeholders to join Canon in addressing human rights issues.

Date of establishment 10/15/2021

Date of revision 1/24/2025

Promotion Structure

The Canon MJ Group established the Sustainability Promotion Committee, chaired by the president & representative director, which discusses, makes decisions regarding, and reviews respect for human rights, one of the material issues we identified. The committee deliberates and reports on important matters to the Board of Directors. In addition, the Sustainability Promotion Division, as the supervising division, coordinates with relevant departments such as the Human Resources Department and the Procurement Department to gain insight into the current situation, and considers and executes initiatives to address any issues.

Human Rights Due Diligence

In 2023, the Canon MJ Group identified any adverse impacts on human rights arising from its business activities in accordance with the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, guidelines issued by the Japanese Government, and other guidance. The Canon MJ Group’s Sustainability Promotion Committee then held discussions to pinpoint issues to tackle as a priority. Based on this, the Sustainability Promotion Committee examined and decided on countermeasures to be implemented in 2024 for different rights holders. To reduce human rights risks even further, we will continue to carry out initiatives based on our plan and conduct activities that lead to improvements.

Our Priority Human Rights Themes and Key Countermeasures in 2024

Rights Holder 2024 Measures
Suppliers Contractors Employees
Customers /
Discrimination based on race, gender, religion, and other factors Create rules and guidelines on the communication of information such as advertising, PR/websites, and social media, and ensure compliance
Ensure all officers and employees are familiar with the Canon Group Code of Conduct
Harassment Raise awareness through trainings and meetings to prevent harassment
Child labor Increase engagement through supplier questionnaire
Forced labor
Excessive overtime work
Have no overtime days (two days a week)/Provide management training to raise awareness about thoroughly managing working hours in their departments/Alert employees who might exceed the limit on overtime
Manage and raise awareness of logistics quality continuously, increase efficiency through improvement in business operations, and mitigate work risks
Occupational health and safety Health hazards and accidents
Increase engagement through supplier questionnaire
Formulate Health and Productivity Management Strategy Map and seek to further promote health and productivity management and to prevent occupational accidents
Confirm equipment inventory and compliance with environmental laws, regulations and conventions and check for any upgrades of inventory equipment
Review content of Guidelines for Appropriate Contracting and Induction Training for Staffing Agency Engineers, raise awareness and hold study sessions about them
Implement training and awareness-raising activities to prevent the recurrence or occurrence of occupational accidents at construction subcontractors
Manage and identify quality problems and their levels in the market, and implement activities to prevent recurrence or occurrence
Invasion of privacy Confirm worldwide tendency towards tightening personal information protection rules and comply with rules on the handling of cookie data
Create rules and guidelines on the communication of information such as advertising, PR/websites, and social media, and ensure compliance

Human Rights Awareness Training

We conducted an e-learning program for employees with the aim of instilling basic knowledge on business and human rights and awareness of the Canon Group Human Rights Policy. In 2022, a total of 15,193 Canon MJ Group executives and employees participated in the program (98.1% participation rate).

Elimination of Unreasonable Discrimination

The Canon Group Code of Conduct stipulates that all its executives and employees shall respect one another's personality and not unreasonably discriminate due to a person's race, religion, nationality, gender, age or other factor. The Canon MJ Group makes this provision known to its executives and employees and ensures that they observe it.

Measures to Deal with Harassment

At the Canon MJ Group, we take various measures to prevent sexual harassment, power harassment, and other problems before they occur. In training sessions for new employees and newly appointed managers, we clearly define workplace harassment and incorporate case studies as well as train them on appropriate ways to respond if an incident were to occur. Also, in our compliance meetings, our divisions hold discussions on harassment from the perspective that it can take place at any time in our surroundings.
The Canon MJ Group has established an internal harassment helpdesk that employees can consult without worries not only in person but also by e-mail or phone. The internal harassment helpdesk guarantees that the employee contacting it and other employees who cooperate in confirming the facts will not be treated disadvantageously and it strictly protects their privacy.

Prohibit Child Labor and Forced Labor

In accordance with the provision prohibiting child labor and forced labor (including human trafficking) in the Canon Group Human Rights Policy, the Canon MJ Group will respect international norms and implement efforts to mitigate and end these practices.

Labor/Management Relations

At Group companies with labor unions, changes in labor conditions such as wages, working hours and health and safety conditions are subject to prior consultation.
At Canon MJ, the Central Labor/Management Conference is held every month, enabling labor union leaders and management executives to exchange opinions and information broadly, not merely on labor conditions and other matters subject to consultation but also on management issues and others. In individual regions, labor/management conferences and labor/management meetings take place, both of which involve regional managers and labor unions. According to the arrangement with the labor union, an unofficial notice of a personnel transfer is to be given in principle not later than one week before the date of the transfer. (Canon MJ's non-consolidated percentage of union members: 71.1%)