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Corporate Outline Corporate ProfileCanon Marketing Japan Inc.

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Group Vision

Adopt a global perspective and strengthen our position as customer-oriented corporate group.

Corporate Outline

Company Name Canon Marketing Japan Inc.
Founded February, 1968
Capital stock 73,303 million yen
Net Sales Consolidated:653,919 million yen(FY2024)
Non-consolidated:439,566 million yen(FY2024)
Number of Employees Consolidated:16,089(As of Dec. 31, 2023)
Non-consolidated:4,528 (As of Dec. 31, 2023)
Headquarters CANON S TOWER 16-6, Konan 2-chome,
Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-8011, Japan
Stock Listing Tokyo Stock Exchange, Prime Market
Stock Code 8060
Consolidated subsidiaries 18 (As of May 1,2024)