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Corporate Outline Segment InformationCanon Marketing Japan Inc.

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We have four segments

Consumers:144.6(22%),Enterprise:249.9(37%),Area:231.3(34%),Professional:44.8(7%) FY2024 653.9 billion yen Other:-16.7
  • *
    "Other" includes the intersegment sales, the shared service businesses and corporate expenses that do not belong to any segment.
  • *
    Total figures for the consolidated net sales of each business are different from the total amount shown in the center of a pie chart because the monetary amount for "Other" in the segment information is not included.
    The composition ratio of consolidated net sales by each business segment is calculated based on a simple total amount.
  • *
    Primagest Inc. that belonged to "Other" was transferred to the Enterprise segment in FY2025, the FY2024 financial results have been reclassified.
  • *
    One of the organizations in the Enterprise segment was reclassified in FY2025. As a result, the FY2024 financial results have been reclassified accordingly.