Environmental Management
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At the Canon Marketing Japan Group (hereafter, the "Canon MJ Group"), we are effectively operating our environmental management system.
Environmental Management System
At the Canon MJ Group, we have built the Canon Group's common environmental management system based on ISO 14001. The system serves as a mechanism for continuous improvement of our environmental protection activities.
Under this environmental management system, we set environmental targets for each year to advance activities for reducing our environmental impact, develop an action plan for achieving the targets, and reflect them in our business activities. Moreover, to confirm the status of these activities and the issues we face, we conduct internal environmental audits, thus working to continuously improve and strengthen our environmental protection activities.
Go to the page below for companies which have obtained ISO 14001 consolidated certification.
Develop Personnel with Environmental Expertise
At the Canon Marketing Japan Group (hereafter, the "Canon MJ Group"), we provide employees undertaking environmental protection activities with training that is appropriate for their role. We thus develop human resources who can take actions voluntarily for the good of customers and society.
System for Developing Environmental Human Resources
The Canon MJ Group works to develop Environmental Persons* and Environmental Staff so that each employee can contribute to activities for reducing the environmental impact of customers and society through their daily work. We make effective use of the e-learning system to ensure the efficient development of Environmental Persons and Environmental Staff.

Environmental Person
A person who tackles environmental problems on their own initiative, recognizes their own level of understanding of environmental information and knowledge, thinks about issues including how they themselves should tackle environmental problems in the future, and take actions voluntarily
Internal Awareness-Raising Activities
As a part of initiatives to solve environmental issues in the Group, we create environmental slogans, post them on the intranet and introduce them in internal newsletters distributed to all Group employees, in an effort to raise awareness.

Environmental Communication
At the Canon Marketing Japan Group (hereafter, the "Canon MJ Group"), we disclose environmental information to diverse stakeholders using various media and opportunities, in two-way communication with them.