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IR News

July 25, 2018

Canon Marketing Japan Inc.
President: Sakata Masahiro
TSE Code: 8060
Tokyo Stock Exchange (First Section)

Yoshiyuki Matsusaka
Director, Senior Vice President

Notice Regarding Revision of Dividend Forecast for the Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2018

Canon Marketing Japan Inc. announced today that at a Board of Directors meeting held on July 25, 2018, a decision was made to revise a dividend forecast for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2018.

1. Reasons for the revision

The Company, in distributing profits in relation to the Three-Year Management Plan (2018-2020), has adopted a basic policy of paying out dividends after comprehensively considering its medium-term profit forecasts, investment plans and their resultant cash flows, among other items, while establishing a consolidated dividend payout ratio of 30%.
The interim dividend has been decided as 25.00 yen per share, given the aforementioned policy and comprehensively considering earnings for this fiscal year.
The forecast for the annual dividend, 60.00 yen per share, has been maintained; however, the forecast for the year-end dividend is 35.00 yen per share because the interim dividend is fixed and the year-end dividend is equal to the balance of annual dividend and interim dividend.

2. Details of dividend

Dividend per Share
Interim Year-end Full Year
Previous Forecast unfixed unfixed 60.00 yen
Revision of Forecast - 35.00 yen 60.00 yen
Dividend fixed for the Fiscal Year 2018 25.00 yen - -
Previous Term(Dividend Paid for the Fiscal Year 2017) 25.00 yen 35.00 yen 60.00 yen